Art history/ Historiography, Crafts, Handlooms, Art


Vilsbøll, Anne

In the year 1510 Michelangelo created the fresco called “The Creation of Man”. In one part of this fresco, we see a pair of hands: God’s hand and Adam’s hand. Michelangelo shows us the instant when man receives his soul - the reward for his wish for divinity. [caption id="attachment_193623" align="alignnone" width="640"] The sign (tegn) receives its soul in the form of paper (paper).[/caption]   On a signboard placed over a door between the graphic department and the paper manufacturing department at a US university, I saw two hands. One hand holds out a sheet of paper to present it to the receiving hand. The graphic print receives its soul. An act expressing that the importance of the print surface is equal to that of the character printed thereon. Historically paper has been the supporting soul for characters since it was invented in China approximately 2000 years ago. With industrialisation the soul was issued a uniform, and all paper basically looked the same. The unique handmade paper that had been fabricated at European paper mills since the 12th century almost became extinct in the West, while this special art form with its unique expression continued to exist in the East. In the West, more specifically in the US, however, paper had a renaissance as an artistic mea...
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Fabric of the Future

Tyagi, Aashish Singh