Elwin, Verrier

Elwin, Verrier

Some Saora Drawing: The Art of Icon

Elwin, Verrier

vol.8, no. 4 : 64-65, Bombay: Marg, 1955

Folk Paintings of India

Elwin, Verrier

New Delhi: Inter-National Cultural Centre, 1961

The Muria and their Ghotul

Elwin, Verrier

Bombay: Oxford University Press, 1947

The Tribal Art of Middle India

Elwin, Verrier

London: Oxford University Press, 1951

The Meaning of the cowrie in Bastar

Elwin, Verrier

Vol 21, No (4) : 198-207, Man in India,, 1941,

The hobby horse

Elwin, Verrier

Illustrated Weekly of India, July 5, 1953, LXXIV(27):24-25,

The comic strips of rural India: III. The punishments of Hell

Elwin, Verrier

Illustrated Weekly of India, June 29,1952, LXXIII(26):29,

The comic strips of rural India: II. The Santal legends

Elwin, Verrier

Illustrated Weekly of India, June 22, 1952,LXXIII(25):36-37,

The comic strips of rural India: I. the Krishna Lila

Elwin, Verrier

Illustrated Weekly of India, June 15, 1952,LXXIII(24):9?11,

The Art of the North-East Frontier of India

Elwin, Verrier

Shillong: North-East Frontier Agency, 1969

Saora pictographs

Elwin, Verrier

Marg, 1947-48, II(3):35-44,

Santal woodcarving

Elwin, Verrier

March of India, 1953, VI(2):17-19,

Musical instruments of tribal India

Elwin, Verrier

Illustrated Weekly of India, Nov. 27, 1955, LXXVI(48):26-27,

Funerary customs in Bastar state

Elwin, Verrier

Man in India, 1945, XXV(2):87-133,

Carved totems of the Uraons

Elwin, Verrier

Illustrated Weekly of India, April 5, 1953, LXXIV(14):22-23,

Sautal Wood-Carving

Elwin, Verrier

Vol. 6, No. 2, March of India, 1953