Ilse Köhler-Rollefson is a native of Germany and has spent most of the last 30 years in Rajasthan where she has researched and supported the Raika camel culture. A veterinarian by training she founded the League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development (LPP), an international advocacy organization for pastoralists. Together with her partner she is co-founder of India’s first dedicated camel dairy in Rajasthan and the social enterprise Camel Charisma.
She has consulted for diverse clients such as World Bank, GTZ/GIZ, Misereor, FAO, ILRI, UNDP and many others. Her work for camel conservation has been awarded by the presidents of both India and Germany and she is author of a popular book entitled Camel Karma. Twenty Years among India’s camel nomads and of Hoofprints on the Land. How traditional herding and grazing practices can restore the soil and put animal agriculture back in balance with the earth.
Camel Charisma seeks to save camels and create livelihoods by developing innovative and eco-friendly products from camel raw materials.