Zaheda N. Mulla with over 11+ years of professional legal experience, is currently the Managing Partner of WinLexis, law firm. She is an Alumni from IIM Bangalore, PGD in IPR (Intellectual Property Rights), The National School of India University, Bangalore, PGD in Marketing, The Times School of Marketing, Delhi with a M.Com and LL.B. degree. Her previous experience in the corporate world brings her expertise in business and law together. She has managed legal work for clients located in US, UK, Germany, France, Israel, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan and India. She has also travelled on assignments to US and UK.
She is one of the leading GI Consultant in India, advising clients ranging from The State Handicraft Govt. concern in Karnataka and other states, NGO’s in Karnataka and outside and groups of interested bodies. In this regard, she has given presentations on Geographical Indications in seminars organised by WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organisation), CII Delhi, National Research Development Corp., etc.
Presently, she is the Syndicate Member of the Bangalore University.