Hemant Sagar is a renowned fashion designer and co-founder of the Indo-French fashion house Lecoanet Hemant. Born in New Delhi to a German mother and an Indian father, Hemant spent his childhood in India. He pursued his passion for design and dressmaking and embarked on a successful career in the fashion industry. With a strong foundation in couture from the Ecole de la Chambre Syndicale de Couture Parisienne in Paris, Hemant’s work reflects a unique blend of Indian and French aesthetics.
The co-founder of Lecoanet Hemant, an Indo French fashion house established in the early 80s. As a creative force behind the parent brand and its other labels, including ‘Genes,’ a contemporary fashion brand catering to urban style seekers. Hemant has been the recipient of many highly respected awards including the Golden Thimble known as Le Dé d’or (the top accolade for Haute Couture which equates to the Oscar equivalent in the Couture world). They also received the Swarovski Creation prize in 2005 and the Designer of the year award in 2007 in Miami. Their work is also exhibited in several permanent international collections including the Victoria and Albert Museum in London and the Musée des Arts de la Mode, Paris.
Hemant’s life changed when he moved to Germany at the age of fifteen, confronted with notions of ecology and sustainability unknown to him until then. This discovery led to the ecological collections in the 90s and its importance became evident in the establishment of ‘Ayurganic,’ a brand wholly dedicated to sustainable practices. By incorporating eco-friendly materials and ethical production methods, he has successfully brought awareness to the importance of environmentally conscious fashion. The Ramie Project is a natural continuation of the thought procedure.