An officer with the Indian Railways, Vinita Srivastava is presently the Executive Director, Railway Heritage heading the Heritage Directorate of the Railway Board in Rail Bhavan, New Delhi. Ms Srivastava qualified as a Mechanical Engineer (IMechE) in 1996, and studied for an Executive Masters in Management from IIM Ahmedabad in 2011. More recently, in 2017 she became a Chevening Science and Innovation Fellow from St Cross College, Oxford University. Her work experience spans two decades in rail transportation and her previous posting was in the Ministry of Culture where she developed her knowledge of cultural studies, museology and conservation architecture. She took up her present post in April 2019 after three years administrating the National Mission on Cultural Mapping and the IGNCA. In 2018 she was instrumental in developing a bilateral MoU for cultural and conservation information for the
UNESCO WHS temple complex of Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Her remit includes the UNESCO protected Railway Industrial Heritage sites like the CSMT building and the Mountain Railways of Darjeeling, Shimla & the Nilgiris.