Wood inlay is ancient art of Bihar and continuous to be practised, with different materials like metal, ivory, stag horn, and chips of different wood being used. Wall plaques, table tops, pens, and paper cutters are among the items made from wood inlaid with diverse materials. The diaper work utilises waste pieces of wood to make boxes and trays. A common motif is the pipal tree, symbolic of enlightenment.
Lac is found in abundance in Bihar and, thus, lacquerware is very popular. It also has ritualistic value. The vermilion container used at marriages is made of lac. A community called laheris makes these round or oval shaped containers called sindurdans. Fish, chakras, and dancing peacock are used as embellishments. A nose ring box often given to a bride at her wedding is a round conical ceremonial box with symbols of fertility and longevity engraved on its red body.
Magadh is famous for making singhasanas (thrones), and door and wood panels. Furniture in traditional designs is also being produced with traditional motifs being used modern furniture.