Weaving is an integral part of Mizo culture and the women learn how to weave at an early age. They work at the loom in their leisure time and during the lean agricultural months. Like in other northeastern states the women use the loin-loom to weave cloth. One of the traditional textiles of the state is the puan. Puans are like lungis or sarongs and are usually about 45 inches to 48 inches in width and about 36 inches in length. They are traditionally worn by the women. Puans are noted for their beautiful designs and intricate embroidery, which is invariably worked along with the weave. The Mizos have a wealth of motifs and the traditional designs are now being combined in new styles. The chief problem of Mizo weavers is the high price at which they get dyed yarn. The beautiful and intricate designs that Mizo women weave on their loin-looms are now being used in shawls and shoulder bags. These gaily woven products can be seen at local markets.

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